
Academic Family

Developing an innovative team focused on foundational and cutting-edge research in the field of education. Our starting point may be humble, but our effort is mighty. We are always in the process of striving.

PI & Supervisor
Mohan Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor, HZNU
Visiting Professor, University of Toronto


Contact: mohanzhang@live.com
Address: Jing Hengyi School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University.
No.2318,Yuhangtang Rd, 311121, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
ORCID Google Scholar



Co-PI & Co-Advisors
Jing Tian
PhD, Associate Professor, Zhejiang Academy of Higher Education, Hangzhou Dianzi University. Beijing Normal University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison jointly cultivated PhD.
Jingjing Liang
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland.
Tong Li
PhD Candidate, College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University.

Degree Candidates
博士生 Doctoral Candidates
硕士生 Master Degree Candidates
本科生 Undergraduate Students



Funding the National Social Science Fund of China (Education) project titled "Research on the Path and Measurement for Empowering Private Colleges for High-Quality Development through Educational Supervision in the Digital Age"
Funding the National Social Science Fund of China (Education) project titled "Evaluation System and Monitoring Research on Private Educational Training Institutions"




Original Research
[1] Zhang, M.*, Hu, Y., & Hu, Y. (2023). The Influences of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Educational Expectations: Mediating and Moderating Effects. Sustainability, 15(16), 1-15. (SSCI Q2)
[2] Zhang, M., Wu,Y.*, Ji, C.*, & Wu, J.(2022). The Role of Perceived Social Support and Stress in the Relationship between Hope and Depression among Chinese Shadow Education Tutors: A Serial Mediation Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 1-14. (SSCI Q1)
[3] Zhang, M., Tian, J., Ni, H.*, & Fang, G. (2021). Exploring Teacher Leadership and the Factors Contributing to It: An Empirical Study on Chinese Private Higher Education Institutions. SAGE Open, 11(1), 1-12. (SSCI Q2)
[4] Ji, J., Zhou, L., Wu, Y. & Zhang, M.* (2022). Hope and Life Satisfaction among Chinese Shadow Education Tutors: the Mediating Roles of Positive Coping and Perceived Social Support. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(8), 1-10. (SSCI Q1)
[5] Tian, J., Zhang, M., Wu, Y. & Zhou, H.* (2022). Gender-based Differences in the Relationships among Proactive Personality, Perceived Entrepreneurial Support and Entrepreneurial Intention of Chinese Private College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(8), 1-11. (SSCI Q1)
[6] Tian, J., Zhang, M., Zhou, H.*, & Wu, J. (2021). College Satisfaction, Sense of Achievement, Student Happiness and Sense of Belonging of Freshmen in Chinese Private Colleges: Mediation Effect of Emotion Regulation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 1-14. (SSCI Q1)
[7] Lu, J., Tuo, P., Feng, R., Stephens, M., Zhang, M., & Shen Z.*, (2022). Visualizing Commognitive Responsibility Shift in Collaborative Problem-Solving During Computer-Supported One-to-One Math Tutoring. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(4), 1-11. (SSCI Q1)
[8] An, F.*, Xi, L.*, Yu, J., & Zhang, M.(2022). Relationship between Technology Acceptance and Self-Directed Learning: Mediation Role of Positive Emotions and Technological Self-Efficacy. Sustainability, 14(16), 1-13. (SSCI Q2)
[9] Lu, J., Tuo, P., Pan, J., Zhou, M., Zhang, M.*, & Hu, S.*(2023). Shadow Education in China and Its Diversified Normative Governance Mechanism: Double Reduction Policy and Internet Public Opinion. Sustainability, 15(2), 1-13. (SSCI Q2)

Book Review
[1] Zhang ,M.*, & Zhao, Q. (2023) Higher education design: An emerging but cannot be ignored agenda. Frontiers in Education, 8(2), 1-4. (ESCI)
[2] Tian, J.*, & Ni, H.(2018). Marianne A. Larsen: Internationalization of higher education: an analysis through spatial, network, and mobilities theories. Higher Education, 76(9), 187-189. (SSCI Q1)

[1] 张墨涵,梁晶晶,张冉,季诚钧. 家庭教育资本与家长教育焦虑——家庭氛围和家校沟通的链式中介作用[J].浙江社会科学,2022(5).
[2] 张墨涵,周林芝,季诚钧. 内在薪酬对乡村教师工资满意度的影响机制研究[J].教育科学研究,2022(8).
[3] 张墨涵,胡云,赵琦琦. 党的十八大以来我国民办教育改革发展政策分析[J].中小学校长,2022(10).
[4] 张墨涵. 现代优质学校评估的指标设计[J].教学月刊·中学版(教学管理),2021(03):18-21.
[5] 张墨涵. 高职院校混合所有制改革的政策衔接——基于利益相关者协商民主的视角[J].教育发展研究,2019(9).
[6] 张墨涵. 规范校外培训机构的理论探讨与政策走向[J].教育科学研究,2019(8).(文章被邬志辉等59位学者引用)
[7] 张墨涵,季诚钧,田京. 家长满意度与基础教育均衡发展——基于浙江省的调查与思考[J].浙江社会科学,2019(3).
[8] 张墨涵. 民办高校教师合作意识分析[J].法学教育研究,2018(2).
[9] 张墨涵,季诚钧. 如何把握“双一流”建设的政策脉搏[J].教育与教学研究, 2017(6).
[10] 田京,马健生. 农村教师有效参与校本教研的激励路径探析——基于生存·关系·成长理论的视角[J].教师教育研究,2017,29(01):35-41.
[11] 田京. 对小学教师的反馈与教师课堂行为的关系研究[J].当代教育科学,2017(03):56-60.
[12] 田京,倪好. 美国促进高校学生海外学习政策:动因、特征及挑战[J].外国教育研究,2018,45(01):96-105.
[13] 马健生,田京. 高等教育国际化的主要特征——基于高等教育经济属性和文化属性的分析[J].比较教育研究,2017,39(05):44-52.
[14] 田京. 战略·多元·质量:美国促进高校学生国际流动奖学金项目的核心——聚焦博伦国际奖学金和本杰明·吉尔曼国际奖学金[J].世界教育信息,2017,30(04):65-71.
[15] 田京. 研究生学习结果评价:问题及对策——基于A大学评分膨胀的质性分析[J].评价与管理,2021,19(02):12-17.
[16] 田京. 美国高校国际研究生评分膨胀的质性研究及启示——以威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校为例[J].煤炭高等教育,2021,39(04):88-96.
[17] 莱丝利·巴特利特,弗兰·维弗露丝, 比较个案研究[J].田京,倪好译.教育科学研究,2017(12):23-29.
[18] 季节. “双减”政策下校外培训机构专项督导的政策逻辑与行动路径[J].教学月刊·中学版(教学管理),2021(12):21-24.

[1] 张墨涵等著.数字时代教育督导赋能民办高校高质量发展的路径与测度研究[M].杭州:未定出版社,计划2027年.
[2] 张墨涵等著.民办教育培训机构的评价和监测研究[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,计划2024年.
[3] 张墨涵等著.教育现代化与优质学校评估[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2022年.
[4] 张墨涵著.高职院校混合所有制改革的实施路径分析[M].广州:广东高等教育出版社,2020年.



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